
Culinary students in action in the kitchen

Five Things They Won’t Teach you in Culinary School

How to Carry Yourself and the Benefits of Strong Abs & Legs No matter if they’re heavy-set or trim and sinewy, all experienced chefs know cooking is a physical sport!...

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Butter Braised Chicken

Perfectly Browned Butter-Braised Roast Chicken Breast

Fine, go ahead and laugh at me. For years I’ve been trying to perfect my technique for roasting chicken breasts so they’re perfectly flavored, moist and have a wonderful crispy...

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JERUSALEM ARTICHOKES with carrot, fennel, parmesan

Roasted Sunchokes with Fennel and Carrot

Seen sunchokes, otherwise known as Jerusalem artichokes, sunroots or earth apples and just don’t know what to with them? Don’t know what on earth I’m talking about? These knobby-looking vegetables...

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